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News and updates from Orthoclinic

COVID-19 update for orthodontic appointments

24th Mar, 2020


Due to the increase of Covid-19 cases in the ACT the Australian Dental Association have given us specific guidelines to follow.

Our practice is currently still open but we are only seeing essential appointments, classifications below:

Essential appointments – orthodontic adjustments, appliance checks, retainer checks if something is wrong with the retainer, braces placement only if teeth have already been removed
Non essential appointments – new patient consults, treatment plan consults, diagnostic records, reviews, retainer checks, braces going on

Removal of braces – We are also not able to produce any aerosol in the practice which means no water spray, no ultrasonic cleaner and no rotary air handpieces for glue removal. We are trying to look at alternative solutions and order some specific instruments in so that we are still able to keep the removal of brace appointments.  We will contact you if your appointment requires alteration.

We are reappointing all non essential appointments that were booked up to Friday 3rd April which then we will reassess the situation and update you accordingly. We are working through contacting everyone who classifies as a non essential appointment and reappointing for 6 weeks time, but if you know your appointment booked prior to Friday 3 April falls under this category please do not attend your appointment.

For patients who are still coming into the practice for their appointments, to reduce the amount of people in the waiting area and keep to the social distancing requirements we ask that patients attend the clinic by themselves or with only 1 family member.

Should you wish to discuss anything urgently please feel free to call the practice on 6295 2005.  Further updates and information to come….

Stay safe,


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