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News and updates from Orthoclinic

New Orthodontist at Orthoclinic – Dr Elise McConnell

11th Jul, 2022

We are excited to announce that a new Orthodontist is joining Orthoclinic.

Dr Elise McConnell BDS (Adel), BScDent (Hons)(Adel), DClinDent (Orth)(Syd), MRACDS (Orth), MOrthRCS (Edin)
Dr Elise McConnell, orthodontist serving Canberra

Dr McConnell graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery with First Class Honours from the University of Adelaide in 2011.  She graduated with the University Medal for overall academic and clinical excellence over the 5-year degree.  Dr McConnell then received a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics in 2016 with multiple accolades.  These include a high distinction average, Australian Society of Orthodontists NSW Clinical Day post-graduate prize for best-treated clinical case, and the John McDonald Medal for first place internationally in her clinical cases & treatment planning (Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh).

Dr McConnell maintains memberships with the Australian Society of Orthodontists, Australian Dental Association, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), American Association of Orthodontists, European Orthodontic Society, & World Federation of Orthodontists.

Dr McConnell has been a Canberra based Orthodontist since 2017 and considers Canberra her home.  She comes from a family of dentists & is even married to a Canberra based specialist Periodontist, Dr Hugh Lenehan.  She has three children, Archie, Alicia & Oscar.

We are honoured to have such a high calibre, capable & caring Orthodontist join our practice. We look forward to personally introducing Dr McConnell to you.  She is looking forward to contributing to your Orthodontic care at Orthoclinic.

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COVID-19 Update – Practice Reopening

30th Apr, 2020


Orthoclinic will reopen its orthodontic clinic in Manuka from Tuesday 5 May 2020.

The Australian Health Protection Principal Comittee (AHPPC) comprised of all state and territory Chief Health Officers and chaired by the Australian Chief Medical Officer has recommended an easing of dental practice restrictions from Level 3 to Level 2.

Level 2 dental restrictions allow for simple dental procedures that are unlikely generate aerosol.  Aerosol is the mixture of fine dust or water droplets (mist) in the air that can transmit the COVID-19 virus creating potential cross infection risk between patients and dental staff.

The ADA’s Managing COVID-19 Guidance document does include orthodontic treatment in Level 2 restrictions.  However, our practice will still be limited due to these restrictions.

Please keep your next scheduled appointment.
Most appointment types will be remain as scheduled from 4 May 2020. We will not be able to move your appointment forward due to scheduling issues this shutdown has caused.  We may need to cancel & reappoint certain procedures on a case by case basis to adhere to Level 2 guidelines.  You will receive an appointment reminder prior to your appointment by SMS and email.  Please contact us on 02 6218 1221 to change/confirm this appointment.

Monthly direct debit payments will resume.
Orthoclinic paused all direct debit scheduled payments for the month of April 2020 which will recommence from in May 2020.  The April 2020 installment will be drawn on the month after your scheduled final payment.

Is it safe for me to attend my appointment ?
Yes.  Orthoclinic has all the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and standard infection control protocols to safely treat you within the scope of the Level 2 restrictions.  Additionally, new protocols are being followed to adhere to COVID-19 social distancing rules and surface disinfection procedures.

Instructions for attending your appointment.
1. Please arrive on time – Patients arriving too early will be requested to wait on the street and those arriving too late may not be seen.
2. Patient Plus One Family Member – no more than one additional family member may attend the clinic with patient.  Ideally, only patient will attend the clinic for their appointment.
3. DO NOT ATTEND & call for advice if 
a) you have returned from overseas/interstate in the past 14 days
b) feel unwell, including but not limited to symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath
c) had contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
d) you are over 70 years old, or have a chronic disease in particular, cadiovascular or respiratory disease or are immunocompromised eg: under cancer treatment or insulin dependent diabetic
4. Use hand santiser provided during check in with reception

Please do not hesitate to contact reception on 02 6218 1221 for questions you may have.  We look forward to seeing you all again soon !



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A new look website for a new look practice

16th Jul, 2013

Welcome to our new website !

After creating a state of the art, custom designed brand new Orthodontic practice in the heart of Manuka, ACT, we are proud to present our new website.  Please take the time to view all the relevant pages that suit your interests or orthodontic concerns.  If you still have questions, we would love to hear from you and getting in touch with us has never been easier.  You can request an appointment online, call us or even message us on Facebook !

A new look website for a new look practice
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